Wealden Tools has been working on a set of router cutters to assist in the production of timber windows using a router, rather than a spindle moulder. This unique set of cutters, designed by Wealden and Fry Design, is a relatively simple system using the minimum of machinery: a router, a saw and only a few other tools.
The cutters will produce professional outward-opening flush timber windows in a UK style. Similar tooling is also available to construct inward-opening windows in the Continental style. Using Wealden's suggested timber section sizes for the frame and sash will ensure that the cutters will produce the correct mouldings and, in addition, the pdf calculator supplied will work out a detailed cutting list.
A video showing the basic sequence of making a UK window can be found on YouTube:
and a digital page-turning leaflet with full information and prices can be found
by clicking here.
Wealden are keen to stress, however, that these tools are
NOT intended for use by the novice, but by competent woodworkers with a knowledge of window-making. The cutters are
obtainable online from Wealden Tools together with Wealden's range of router cutters, spindle moulder tooling, drills, circular, jigsaw and bandsaw blades at
For latest news and information on all Wealden's new additions, routing
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Wealden products in the woodworking press,
visit the Wealden news site.